Tuesday, 20 November 2012

'Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat..'

Yes. Christmas is fast approaching, which means it's almost the end of another year and (if the Mayan predictions are anything to go by) very soon the sky will fall on our heads (as it does in Chicken Little - brilliant film!)

It is a time of year that I really love, the leaves are turning gorgeous colours and crunching on the ground as you walk over them in your warm, fluffy boots leaving the trees bare. The nights are longer now, with darkness coming quickly and there is a frosty bite in the morning when you wake up. The gloves, hats and scarves are all coming out and people are panicking as they suddenly realise how much shopping there is to do and how very little money they have.

So you start evaluating the past year and what to differently next time round. Then you realise you have lost your list of New Years Resolutions; but even if you did have them it would still be a disappointment because you haven't achieved them anyway!

But you start getting excited about the thought of seeing all the family, and everyone sitting round the TV to watch Elf. Your mouth starts watering at the thought of gravy, roast duck (we don't do turkey or goose), roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, bread sauce, mince pies.. In fact all of these images are something that can be seen in the Asda advert - sorry, going off on a slight tangent here! - but I love that advert, it's all about how much of a panic there is around Christmas time, there may be rows but at the end of the day, most of it goes to plan.

It's a wonderful time of year though and you can't help but hum "All I want for Christmas" whilst washing the dishes at work..

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