Monday, 18 February 2013

Just a few thoughts.

I don't understand people who don't want to travel. It seems for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be in a different place. The mere idea of having the same job but in a different place excites me. I want to explore the world, experience different cultures and live.

Here in the UK, it is like we are wrapped up in cotton wool. We are protected from so much of the modern world, so as soon as we leave the safety of education, we are thrust into a world we know little about. I understand that our familys' want to do what is best for us, but surely it would be better to not hide the truth?

As a society we are selfish, and we take it upon ourselves to educate those living in the poorer part of our world, into the ways of a westernised capitalist society. As a society we seem to think we are superior to them, but we are just as bad. In a way it could be said that we are almost corrupting them. As a society we want to teach them how to conform to our way of living. However, I think before we do this, we should start addressing our own problems; problem that our government doesn't like to address, because that would mean admitting that we are also in the wrong.

We need to let other cultures know that the western culture is far from perfect. As people we are greedy and have want for everything. The world is a very wrong place and it does need to be fixed. But we all need to think carefully about the consequences of the actions we take, before our world becomes a dystopian nightmare, and we all find ourselves fighting for survival in the Games.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

On the subject of Rights..


So according to an act established in 1998, we have Rights.

No, we don't.

From what I have understood, these acts should apply universally to everyone.

No, they don't.

This is because there is still rules and laws in certain countries, preventing people from having access to these Rights.

It isn't fair.

For example, one of the Rights is a Right to marry and raise a family. However it is only recently that gay marriage has been recognised in our country and I don't foresee it ever happening in others. Indeed, sadly the Oxford English dictionary still defines it as being a formal union between a man and a woman.

You would think given modern times that people would be able to accept gay marriage for what it is - two people of the same sex, pledging their love and happiness to one another. But sadly this is not the case, indeed you still get parents telling their kids that they would quite easily disown them if they ever came out to their parents as being gay.

Why do parents and other people find it so hard to understand?! You cannot choose your sexual orientation or who you fall in love with. Change might be difficult to accept, but if people are able to accept the use of technology and welcome it fully into their homes, then why are they still so unable to accept the idea of being gay?

For gay people, it is so much harder to go through the process of adopting a child. It doesn't make sense. Free will is a human right and not just a heterosexual privilege. I mean, can anyone honestly say they are 100% heterosexual?

I believe that people need to move forwards and embrace change as something new and exciting, instead of just dwelling on the past.